The Malaysian Philharmonic Orchestra

On the 29th of October 10 well-dressed boarders, me included, travelled to central KL to watch an organ recital in the Malaysian Philharmonic Orchestra by Margaret Chen. Chen, a revered organist in Asia, Europe and North America, hails from Singapore and is no foreigner to the Malaysian crowd. She introduced herself, a diminutive figure, hair kept short and dressed simply in an elegant blue blouse and white knee-length skirt, smiling before placing herself before the organ. Like an artist with an empty canvas, she wooed us all with classic favourites such as pieces from Mendelssohn, Schumann and Vierne. 

Mr Mark, Ms Maureen and boarders were left in a tranquil state as Chen’s fingers (and toes) commanded the percussions, notes and articulation to recreate the popular masterpieces passed through the ages. Jokingly, she returned after her final bow and insisted that ‘any recital for any instrument is never complete without Bach!’ And that's just how our evening ended.

Ryan - Year 12

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